Ithaca to Corfu

June 7th

corfu luxury villa greece


The island hopper plane jumps from Crete, to Zakynthos, to Kephalonia, to Preveza, to Corfu. The stewardess just has time to explain about seatbelts before it is time to land each time. A great day out for 40 euros!

The first house to be visited was Corfu AT which sits grandly above Kassiopi. Secluded in its wonderful garden, it looks out through stone arches over its lovely pool and Albania. The owners’ children – a group of 6 university students, were there, and had obviously been told to tidy up and make themselves scarce, for they fled as soon as they saw us to take the boat out and spend a day pottering along the coast. The house was immaculate and anyone lucky enough to spend time there will see Corfu at its best.

Corfu KT is a sculptor’s house, and it shows – the owner has a marvellous eye for colour, texture and space, as well as a lovely collection of art and other pieces around the house. The views are sublime, the pool is dimpled by swallows darting down for a quick drink, and the house radiates peace and tranquillity from its hilltop eyrie , gazing out over the sunset. It is rare to find such uninterrupted nature on Corfu. Ask Five Star Greece to show it to you for next year!


Dusk falls late in June ; little lavender coloured waves are rippling on the pebble beach outside my hotel. A big dark pink cloud is hovering over the Albanian mountains opposite, and the first star is out. The beach taverna has hired a Greek  band. It is just the right distance away and faint strains of bouzouki music waft up through the terrace doors that are open to the warm evening.  Corfu in June really is a joy.

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