What’s hot on Mykonos.

Mykonos of course pays no attention to general European malaise as it knows it will as usual,  be full and buzzing all season . To celebrate summer 2012, Louis Vuitton,  Chanel and Enny Monaco  have opened new and beautiful boutiques on Matogianni, so shopping on a Greek island has never been better.

Kiki’s cult little taverna and grill on peaceful Aghios Sosti beach is under new management (a relative);  be reassured though, the grilled meat was as tender, juicy and well seasoned as ever, the plump little fronds of salty kritari seaweed, blanched and tossed in lemon and olive oil were as tangy as before, and the rocket, fig, parmesan dressed in balsamic vinegar, and I suspect, a tough of honey, as amazing as ever. A couple of early vacationers were asleep in the warm sun on the beach below, and my hostess for lunch, whose house I have been visiting, was also tanned and glowing from the glorious weather Mykonos has been enjoying all week. Mykonos MB is a great addition to our portfolio  – and we are not taking on many new houses this year. Chic, spacious, welcoming and beautifully located between Aghios Sostis and Panormos, it really offers everything that I would want from a villa here.

Kiki's taverna


For those on a slightly tighter budget, we have also taken on a jewel of a house in the Tourlos area above the New Harbour – a wonderful,  sunset facing pool,  artistic flair to the decor and a lovely warm atmosphere all make this a very good villa.

The only other villa we are adding is one known enigmatically by the owner as his “Phantom villa” – it is so well hidden, that although it has prime position on the water-front near the famous windmills of Chora, no-one knows that it is there, not even Roi, our amazing colleague on Mykonos…It shoudl be ready in Julyand will offer three suites with a large pool and five star hotel services.

Of course we save the hottest news for last – Petros the iconic pelican of Mykonos, has been given a wife; Georgia is dainty and clean and while Petros’ daily walk takes in the greengrocers, tavernas and fishmongers of the town, Georgia prefers to wander the back street and is often to be seen gazing in the windows of Lalaounis the jeweller. She is sure to discover Chanel any day now…


Petros bargaining for tomatoes


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