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Happy Holidays!

I can do no better than share with you this beautiful greeting I was sent from a young man in Northern Ethiopia, that topsy turvy country of miracles, famine,  and rock-hewn churches: It puts our “Season’s greetings” and  Santa Claus pictures to shame.

Dear my beloved family,

How are you and the Christmas season in Europe? Hope it is fine and you are waiting for its colorful celebration.

It is my pleasure to write these little lines full of best wishes on your Christmas and Happy New Year ,though I am not around in body , my spirit soar high to hand over my praising and thanks on your holidays. I hope that you will celebrate both in good mood & aspiring to make the coming year one of the years in which we all benefit from the virtues of your righteousness, I am extending my best wishes so that you may enjoy your holiday as best as possible.

I wish the New Year bring a healing for the depressed economy the world is suffering from and all of you have good inspiration to change bad situations from the earth once and for all. Wish you & your family all the very best on your very Christmas and also wish the New Year become a year of abundant love, joy and prosperity May God bless us all!!

God bless you and your family.

Once again I wish the New Year will be for you, peace health, prosperous and relax able with good work.




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